CALM Trainings & Technical Assistance

CALM Clinical Workshops are designed to introduce those providing counseling services to the rationale of means safety and teach them how to plan for, initiate and carry out effective conversations with clients and their families about reducing access to lethal means - especially firearms and medications - in times of suicide risk. Workshops are typically three hours in length and can accommodate up to 30 participants in person or 24 virtually. Workshops include several opportunities to practice using the strategies and language that is taught. Visit our Upcoming Trainings page for upcoming virtual Workshops; please contact us to learn more about in-person Workshops or to request an additional virtual Workshop.

CALM Train-the-Trainer (T4T) Seminars prepare participants to deliver CALM Workshops both for clinical and conversational versions. Enrollees first participate in a full Workshop provided by experienced Master Trainers. Enrollees then participate in extended discussions with the Master Trainer(s) about the details of the training materials to prepare them to present effectively, respond to common questions, and anticipate Workshop audience needs. These discussions are followed by enrollees presenting portions of the Workshop and receiving constructive feedback. Finally, enrollees will learn how to plan and prepare for a successful Workshop. Clinical T4T seminars are typically 10 hours in length over two consecutive days and can accommodate 12 to 16 participants.The T4T for Conversations is typically six hours in one or two sessions and can also accommodate 12 - 16. T4T can be offered both virtually and in-person. Visit our Upcoming Trainings page for upcoming virtual T4T Seminars; please contact us to learn more about in-person T4T Seminars or to request an additional virtual T4T Seminar.
Other Trainings

Conversations on Access to Lethal Means (CALM Conversations)
The effectiveness of CALM is not limited to clinical interactions. Many people at risk for suicide do not ever seek or receive formal mental or physical health care for these issues. Fortunately, CALM can be implemented by anyone who is concerned about a relative, friend, or someone with whom they work. These workshops add specific CALM strategies to typical gatekeeper training and also offer participants the opportunity to observe and practice the techniques. If your work frequently puts you in touch with people who are at their lowest–perhaps you’re a defense or divorce attorney, tend bar, serve eviction notices, teach court-ordered drunk driving classes–this workshop may help you save lives.

CALM-SAFE: Firearms Education for Providers
CALM-SAFE (Supporting Alliances through Firearms Education) is a 90-minute program to help providers who are not familiar with firearms to develop a culturally sensitive vocabulary and basic understanding of firearms to help them feel more comfortable and effective when speaking to gun owners about safe storage. Participants in this course will learn about basic firearm types, components, operation, and vocabulary, with an emphasis on safe handling practices and accurate terminology when discussing firearms. The course also features demonstrations of safe storage options using a variety of locking mechanisms and basic disassembly options. The course also leaves ample time for questions about firearms in a safe, nonjudgmental space. If you would to make means safety a part of your risk management and safety planning process but do not feel comfortable discussing firearms, this might be the course for you.

Lethal Means Academy
A Lethal Means Academy is an interactive, day-long session that provides participants with the tools to implement a local, community-based strategy to reduce the use of firearms in suicide attempts. The Academy provides an overview on why means matter when it comes to preventing suicide, an introduction to firearms and gun culture presented by firearm instructors and/or gun retailers, a review of adaptable suicide interventions and training/outreach tools for gun owner groups, a brief CALM training, a review of relevant local and federal gun laws, basic training in implementing systems-wide change, and an opportunity for planning next steps locally. The Academy is customizable to reflect the local conditions on the ground and interests of the sponsor and participants.