What is CALM?
CALM is a practical intervention to increase the time and distance between individuals at risk of suicide and the most common and lethal methods of suicide, particularly firearms. The oldest and most widely-used training on lethal means safety, CALM teaches why means matter and equips individuals with tools to intervene effectively with those at risk for suicide both upstream–before a crisis hits–as well as in times of crisis. Versions are available for both clinicians and non-clinicians.
Our Mission
- CALM teaches clinicians, gun owners, and the general public strategies to reduce an at-risk person’s access to things that could easily kill them, especially firearms, using collaborative methods that preserve life, liberty, and the at-risk person’s decisional autonomy.
- We aim to create a new clinical and social norm: when a client or someone you know is in enough distress that suicide is a concern, in addition to providing clinical or social support, talk with them about reducing their access to firearms and dangerous medications until they have recovered.
CALM in the News
Need more information?
We are happy to answer any questions you have about how CALM can help you and your organization prevent suicide.